Luck from Struggle

Minjung Choi
4 min readDec 20, 2020


Life Lab is a practical lab where anyone can reflect their life with ‘adversity’ catalyst. We wonder your experience, no matter it is success or failure. We believe everyone can tell their failure for ourselves as well as future generation who will walk along the way where we have passed.

Photo by Prapoth Panchuea on Unsplash

What Nations Fail?

Because they don’t have inclusive politic system. To succeed, nations have to implement inclusive politic system, which leads them to inclusive economic system. This is what the book Why Nations Fail said.

What? Is that all?

Discussing on this book, Li:Fe Lab doubted its argument.

Many people says there is two opposite world in this globe; affluent and poor nations. And they argue that it’s because there is an undeniable condition called resources. Given their developmental speed with resources, the former is easy to utilize the latter.

Yes, it is partially right. But only luck can affect their success? Luck isn’t that kind. As old saying is, the opportunity comes to those who are ready.

Li:Fe Lab answered to this question; focus on LUCK.

Look back on my Luck

Before Li:Fe Lab was created, my teammate and I had questioned; why are elites everywhere, especially on the top of everywhere. Just as bountiful environment determine nations’ fate, so does personal journey. We put our lens on 20s’ life journey full of struggle.

Photo by Green Chameleon on Unsplash

Personally, when I was younger, I was totally not a great student. One day, my new teacher forced her students to clear out all stuff on the desk. If there was anything except for a textbook and and a pencil, she got all of them. Even though I put my pencilcase on my desk, she took it. To bring it back to me, I studied hard and got good scores. The result was awesome: My teacher and all adults around me praised me. I thought it was right doubtlessly. Just follow what adults said, it must be right. I have walked down royal road. I could apply to and enter the best university and made brilliant friends, dreaming who I can be.

Come Back to Earth

Soon after experiencing the real world, I realized adults told me fancy fiction. There is no successful way to all. It was the system that made me walk down successful road. I was born in a ‘normal family’ which consists of mother, father, brother and me. My family has followed all norms.

When teaching students, I sometimes had difficulties with listening to their concerns. They told whole new stories I haven’t experienced or even heard. That was my first time to doubt my all ‘effort.’ Whether was it my pure endeavor or external luck? As time went by, I answered: I should not forget the power of luck.

Separate endeavor from luck

But I don’t mean all come from pure luck. There was a famous believe-or-not episode with Napoleon. He found a fourleaf clover, and bent to look at it closely. He could save his life by avoiding himself from being shoot. But what if a man who cannot count finds a fourleaf clover? Is he lucky? No, he may not bend to look at it.

Likewise, all successful people can have their own luck. However, even if they don’t do their best. For example, the CEO of Woowa Brothers hasn’t graduated from famous colleges. He was born in not that rich family. Thus he had to give up going to art high school. Instead, he studied in technical high school and entered to university to learn interior design. But he got a brilliant idea and collected all leaflets even in trash cans to make his idea reality. Finally, his service, People of Delivery, became a legendary success story in Korea startups. Status quo where all people need to deliver their food has bombarded his business with growing luck and success. He said: There is no one who can collect leaflets better than me.


Li:Fe Lab concluded: Be prepared and Catch luck. Before ego devours you as I said before, throw away self-esteem ‘I can do everything’ or ‘I succeed purely due to my effort.’ Learn endlessly to emphasize.


Next time, we are going to read reference rather than role-model. Keep your eyes on our project!

